J'ai choisi un vitrail moins complexe pour essayer un double gaufrage intégrant du papier carbone. J'ai ensuite divisé les espaces que j'ai agrémenté d'aquarelle et de filigranes à l'encre ferro-gallique.
Je crois que je tiens quelque chose, d'autres photos bientôt, dès que j'aurai terminé de filigraner l'ensemble.

Very lovely. The carbon paper effect is like some delicate monoprint. (I suppose it IS a delicate monoprint.)
What will you do when you run out of carbon paper?
[What paper are you doing it on? Shall we all bring old carbon paper in the summer to Saint-Antoine?]
& (last question) when will someone commission you to acid-etch and stain filigranes on a beveled glass church window? Hmmmmmm?

When I will run out of carbon paper, I will find something else to get obsessed with ;-)
For the time being, I have plenty of it and as it can be used several times (with a better effect after 3 or 4 use), I don't feel very concerned about it
I use "Aquarelle Arches" paper, it is the one which hold the carbon the best.
Until next summer and the course in Saint Antoine, I will write a note with the needed equipment for embossing, I may find other techniques to mix with it.
Concerning stained glass & filigrees, I'm open to any commission :-)

Pas mal cette technique du gaufrage sur carbone. La nuance de l'impression rend un bel effet. Un travail très minutieux, t'as des yeux d'aigle !

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